Kindia : 20 years after artisanal diamond mining, the after-effects are still felt on the local environment
Several years after the artisanal exploitation of diamond in Kindia,
Kindia : a conflict around the management of the gravel quarry in Koba Pastoria
Located about ten kilometers away from Kindia town, the new
Dinguiraye : assessment of the activities of the prefectural directorate of mining and geology
The Dinguiraye prefectoral director of mining and geology has, in
Siguiri : the statistics of mine collapsing released by the local Red Cross
The Siguiri prefecture is well known for being the town
Conakry : marine pollution in Kaporo, local residents outraged, call upon the state
In Guinea, several sea inlets are nowadays threatened by plastic
Kindia: the anarchic occupation of former quarries concerns many people
While the uncontrolled occupation of former sand and gravel quarries
Kindia : nature regains life at the former Yogontamba quarry
Yogontamba is a classified forest since colonial times. Unforutnately, this
Fire at Kaloum: to face up pollution, the government recommends…
Since the announcement of the fire that occured at the
COP28: world policy-makers are working hard against climate change in Dubaï.
COP28 or the Dubaï 2023 Conference on climate change is
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