Cracks in buildings at Kodiaran (Mandiana): the community blames SMM

During a recent visit by the Attorney General to the Kankan Court of Appeal, as part of the fight against illegal mining that affects the environment, the sub-prefect of Kodiaran, a sub-prefecture located 25 kilometers from the town of Mandiana, drew the authorities' attention to the effects of dynamite explosions on over a hundred buildings in his locality. Second Lieutenant Moussa Magassouba also denounced the use of cyanide and potassium mercury, which are causing enormous health problems for the community.

“I would like to point out some very serious things at the Mandiana mining company - SMM. Firstly, the methods and procedures for using cyanide and mercury are not respected at all. I have reported this harmful use of these chemicals, especially by foreigners, to the competent authorities. We need to take serious and responsible action against this practice, otherwise we'll be exposed to danger. Another very serious fact is the cracks in several buildings caused by the explosion of the company's dynamites. The local authorities must take concrete measures to put an end to these phenomena", added Moussa Magassouba.

Following this denunciation, prefectoral officials in charge of managing the mining sector in Mandiana approached Société Minière de Mandiana (SMM) to find solutions.

“Last time, we called on the management of Société Minière de Mandiana, which operates in the sub-prefectures of Kodiaran and Koundian. They reassured us that a mission would be deployed to investigate whether it was blasting that caused the cracks in the buildings, or whether it was the quality of construction that was the problem. So we're awaiting the results of their investigation. In any case, we have carried out a survey of the buildings, and we have the reports from this survey with us. Once the results are in, we'll be taking steps to prevent any damage to the buildings", said Yacouba Diakité, Mandiana's prefectural director of mines.

In addition, the mining sector executive announced inspection missions to mining companies based in the Mandiana prefecture over the next few days, to ensure compliance with operating standards and regulations.

“Over the next few days, we'll be visiting the mining companies' facilities to see if operating conditions are up to standard. We'll also be checking each company's documents, while focusing on the interests of local communities,” he concluded.

Djaba Fanta Souleymane Camara

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