Cracks in buildings at Kodiaran (Mandiana): the community blames SMM
During a recent visit by the Attorney General to the
Mandiana : prostitution, a disturbing reality in gold-mining sites
Mining areas in the Mandiana prefecture have become fertile ground
Mandiana : SMM accused of degrading the road between Kodiaran and Koromadou
The road between Kodiaran and Koromadou, in the Mandiana prefecture
Mandiana : two dead bodies found in a gold mine
Mamoudou Condé and Toumboutou Condé, aged 4 and 3 respectively,
Fire at Kaloum: to face up pollution, the government recommends…
Since the announcement of the fire that occured at the
 Kolaboui/Boké: the youth take to the streets to request community contracts with a mining company
On Thursday morning, Nov. 2, 2023, several youths erected barricades
Boké : UMS offers a 12 – kilometer – long road to the community of Katougouma
On March 16, 2023, United Mining Supply (UMS), specializing in
Gold panning: deadly earth collapsing in Siguiri and Mandiana.
Days come after one another and look alike in auriferous