The granting of mining permits to restart in the Guinean mining sector

In an executive order, published yesterday on the state media, the president of the Guinean political transition, Colonel Mamadi DOUMBOUYA, appointed the 11 members of the Guinean National Mining Commission.

Hence, the granting of mining titles could soon restart. As a reminder, at the January 20, 2022 Council of Ministers, Colonel DOUMBOUYA instructed his government to suspend the granting of any new mining permits until the National Mining Commission is restructured so as the reflect the new mining vision of the Government.

The National Mining Commission is instituted by the Guinean Mining Code passed into law in 2011 and amended in 2013. Mainly, the first and ninth dispositions of this code stipulate that “a National Mining Commission is created, composed of representatives from the State and from other components of the Nation in charge of participating to the review of requests for the granting, the renewal, the transfer and the withdrawal of mining titles, based on the Guinean Mining Code”.

In its current configuration, the national mining commission gather people from the ministry of mining and Geology, the ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, the ministry of Economics, Finance and Planning, the ministry of Budget, the ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the ministry of Habitat and Town Planning and from the Guinean civil society. The commission is chaired by Mr.Yakouba KOUROUMA, economic, fiscal advisor and Ms.  Soua Mamy Géraldine LAMAH is the reporter. Both of them work at the ministry of Mining and Geology.

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