Mandiana : to protect the environment, charcoal producing women have turned towards market gardening

In the subprefecture of Kantoumanina, a locality where two activities harmful to the environment are growing, mainly artisanal gold mining and charcoal production. However, in spite the appeal of these activities which represent a good opportunity to make money for local people, some women have taken an encouraging initiative to protect the environment.

Instead of doing abusive wood cutting to produce charcoal, they have decided to turn towards market gardening. A decision that marks a significant shift in their activities, because they have decided to engage in environmetal-friendly farming activites. Today, market gardening allows them to sustainably produce vegetables and fruits without harming natural resources.

By opting for this practice, these women are helping to preserve local forests and reduce global warming.

Nafina Diallo has been producing for several years, and recalls what motivated her to turn to market gardening. "a few years ago, I used to produce charcol, but with so much awarness of its impacts on the environment, my friends and I decided to take on a profitable activity. So together we decided to engage in market gardening to feed our children. It has not been a bad choice because since we started this activity, we realized that it is the best way to supply the population with quality vegetables without harming the environment. We do theis activity without the pressure from anyone", she said.

By engaging in market gardening, Sona Koulibaly also has access to new economic opportuinities. The sale of farming products allows her to have a permanent revenue and to provide for herself and for family. "People used to come and sensitize us on the bad effects of eccessive wood cutting, but we were not receptive. When we decided to practice market gardening, I wan not favorable to the idea. But thanks to the profitability of this farming activity, today I can make money more than before. Not only I can provide for my family conveniently, but also to meet all of my daily needs

With the ambition to preserve the environment through their new activity, those frorm now on former charcol producers are contributing to food safety in the Mandiana prefecture by supplying fresh and quality products to local consumers "Today, we are proud of the results of our new activity, because we can produce quality and sufficient vegetables that we send for sale to other markets in Mandiana. This was our ambition since the beginning; that is to protect the environment while being useful to our community", said Naméren Diakité.

Kerfala Diakité, a fervent campainger against harmful environmental practices, appreciates the initiative of these women "This initiative derserves to be praised. It shows wmen's capacity to engage environmental -friendly sustainable economic activities and to promote the preservation of the environment. It is essential that the authorities and the relevant organizations contribute to support these women in their new venture to reinforce their positive impact on the environment and on the economic development of the prefecture", she said.

The involvement of these former charcol-producing women of Kantoumania in the favor of market gardening is a positive example of how people can adjust and actively contribute to the preservation of the environment. Their transition towards a sustainable farming practices shows their awarness of the importance of preserving natural resources for future generations.


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