Kindia: the prefectural director of the environment warns of the dangers of carbonization
The citizens of Kindia are currently facing an intolerable heatwave.
Mandiana : prostitution, a disturbing reality in gold-mining sites
Mining areas in the Mandiana prefecture have become fertile ground
Kindia: SENAMSCO, Minister Guillaume Hawing discusses school drop-out rates in mining areas
National School Merit Week was officially launched nationwide this Wednesday,
Kindia : “When you have a license, you have to pay two taxes”, said Soriba Kouyate
The prefectoral director of mining and geology of Knidia took
Mandiana : to protect the environment, charcoal producing women have turned towards market gardening
In the subprefecture of Kantoumanina, a locality where two activities
Mandiana : SMM accused of degrading the road between Kodiaran and Koromadou
The road between Kodiaran and Koromadou, in the Mandiana prefecture
Siguiri : a new earth collapsing notified in Bouré Boukaria by the Red Cross
An earth collapsing killed one person in an artisanal gold
Mandiana : two dead bodies found in a gold mine
Mamoudou Condé and Toumboutou Condé, aged 4 and 3 respectively,
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