Gaoual : the Guinean prime minister, Bernard Goumou launches the AMC’s mining project activities in Koumbia, in the prefecture of Gaoual.

Prime Minister Bernard Goumou launched Alliance Mining Commodities' (AMC) mining project activities on Feb. 15, 2023 in Koumbia, within the prefecture of Gaoual. He was accompanied by the Guinean mining and geology minister, Moussa Magassouba.

With a 500 million tons of bauxite reserve, the Koumbia mining project will start production in 2024. Before then, Alliance Mining Commodities is planning to build a port on the Rio-Nunez river using barges to transport production. It is also planning to build a dedicated mining road that will link the mine to the port.

A one billion US Dollar worth investment.

Owned in majority by Zeta Resources Limited, AMC is planning to invest one billion US dollars in the project. In the production phase, planned for 2024, the company expects to offer 2000 direct jobs and will produce annually a total of 4 million tons of bauxite.

For Prime minister Bernard Goumou, who presided the launching of the ceremony related to the building of the mining road, the AMC mining project will boost economic grotwh, job creation and infrastructure related investments in the Boké region.

"A new fate takes shape, an old dream comes true, today. It has been over a decade since AMC was granted its mining licence. Guinea, under the leadership of the CNRD, is absolutely committed to institutional rectification, moral improvement with regards to public life management, improving living standards for the population, and respecting all international agreements signed by Guinea. For Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, this project will not be just antoher project within the Boké adminstrative region, but a project that will boost economic grotwh, job creation and infrastructure related investments in the Boké region. Hence, throughout the whole production chain, the project will take into account local content issues. The project should embody the spirit of change with regards to mining our resources. We therefore invite our partners to condcut their mining activities in a responsible manner, complying by environmental, social and community standards", said Bernard Goumou.

In addition, AMC is planning to build a 110 kilometer long railroad that will link its mine site to its port facitilities. Building the railroad is expected to be completed by 2025.

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