Boké: the announcement of the installation of an alumina refinery, greatly appreciated by the citizens

It is official, the Guinean government through the Ministry of Mines and Geology has just announced on its Facebook page this Monday, March 13, the date of the start of construction of a refinery by the SMB consortium in Boké. The announcement was made after a meeting between the Minister of Mines and the management of SMB.

In Boké, this announcement was greatly appreciated by the communities who proudly displayed their support to the Guinean state in the realization of this major project.

For Madiba Guirassy, the materialization of this announcement so long awaited by the population of this mining area, will allow in the near future, to create employment for the youth.

"It is a project that was announced a long time ago, but if it materializes during this transition, we can only welcome, appreciate, support and accompany this project because it will really create jobs for young people", explained this citizen of Boké.

The same sentiment was expressed by Balla Mansaré, a civil society activist, who in turn, urged the government to continue in this direction. According to him, the installation of the refinery will promote the development of the country.

"We congratulate the government and SMB. It is a piece of news which delights me in more than one way because we want the development of this country. We have all the potentialities in our underground. If the Ministry of Mines has decided to put pressure on the mining companies to set up refineries, it is a joy for the whole population. We encourage the government not to back down, they have to go in the direction of rebuilding the state; this country is too far behind".

Also very pleased with the news of the installation of a refinery in this special economic zone, Moussa Diop invites other mining companies involved in the construction of refineries to follow SMB's example.

"For several years, there has been talk of projects to build refineries by local mining companies. So if SMB decides to materialize its project in first place, it would really be an added value for the Guinean population in general and that of Boké in particular because the company is here in Boké. Personally, I believe that it is the right time for other mining companies to follow in SMB's footsteps".

It should be noted that the launch SMB is planning to launch its refinery project on November 1, 2023.

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