Siguiri : a tiff around the election of the union board of Guinea Gold Exploration (GGE) mining company.

The election of the workers' union board has been lagging behind at Guinea Gold Exploration for several weeks now. The employees of the gold mining company have been demanding with insistence the election of the union board after the failure of the first election which resulted in a clash between two opposed groups.

If the company has put on hold the union board election after the first attempt failed, its employees are not giving up the idea as far as they are concerned. They keep asking for a union board that will defend their interests vis-à-vis the employer.

« We still demand the election of a new union board, but the employer refuses because they know that the candidates we prefer are not easily manipulated. So, we request the help and demand the involvement of the authorities at every level to have the board set up. To date, we cannot claim our rights or protest against the violation of our rights", told an employee of GGE, on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

Guinean Gold Exploration is a gold mining company operating in the district of Dankakoro, a locality belonging to Siguiri. It got its mining license in 2016.

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