Siguiri : a new earth collapsing notified in Bouré Boukaria by the Red Cross

An earth collapsing killed one person in an artisanal gold mining in Kôssissè this Monday, Feb. 5, 2024. It is a former gold mine the soil of which was no more solid that collapsed on several gold panners, killing one person and causing material damage including motobikes.

 Bassi Camara, a representative of the Red Cross, describes the circumstances of the tragedy : " We were in the mine where we work when we received a phone call informing us that the earth has collpased on some gold panners. We rushed to the spot and noticed one dead and several damaged motobikes. However, there has been no wounded. What I can advise gold panners, is to be cautious with former mines. We refill the pits, but the soil is not solid, especially after rain. People think that the soil is solid, but it is not"

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