Kindia: the prefectural director of the environment warns of the dangers of carbonization

The citizens of Kindia are currently facing an intolerable heatwave. The phenomenon is intensifying as a result of the climate change the city has been experiencing in recent years. According to Kindia's prefectural director of the environment, this heatwave is the result of human activity.

Kindia's prefectural director of the environment casts anathema on charcoal burners.

"Today, people's main activity is charcoal burning. You have to cut and burn food to sell. When we're with these communities, we talk to them. Some sometimes respond negatively. Others go so far as to assert that they earn enough to live from this activity, and I often reply: yes, that's true, but don't think of carbonization as an income-generating activity. You have other sources of income, such as farming, that can enable you to make a living. We advise against carbonization", declared Fara Kamano.

The inhabitants of Kindia are experiencing an extreme heatwave this February.

"Kindia is losing the fresh winds from the forest. It's the effect of deforestation. We have to give up carbonization and wild fires. The forest's main enemy is wild fires. I come from Dalaba and it's cool there, even during the day. Most of the forest is untouched. Carbonization is an activity that kills the forest", said Kindia's prefectural director of the environment.

It's excessively hot at the moment in Kindia. Many workers are working outdoors under a blazing sun.

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