Kindia: the anarchic occupation of former quarries concerns many people

While the uncontrolled occupation of former sand and gravel quarries continues in Kindia, a landslide that caused the death of one woman a few months ago in an area of a former quarry, rekindles the debate on the subject.

Accused by many citzens of not having taken appropriate measures on time to avoid the tragic event that unfolded in Yabara, under the jurisdiction of Tafory Météo, the Kindia housing executives deny any responsibility.

It is a major event that gives a hard time to the authorities of Kindia. In spite of the relentless efforts of the latter, houses keep cropping up all over in former quarry sites in the area. A situation deplored by the head of the housing, construction and urban control section.

"People of this town do not comply by the instructions given by the housing technicians, else, we have prohibited any house building here. This a former quarry; it is not a regular housing project. It is a state domain. None of those who built their houses here has a construction permit. If they do not leave in time, I would not wish it on them, but eventualities will continue to occur over time", said engineer Kaba Konate.

In Yogontamba, in the district of Koliadi 2, as in Yaraba, some people are occupying a large part of the former quarry in broad daylight.

Interviewed regarding the issue, the head of the district shirked any responsibility. "These houses have not been built during my office time. Hence, I cannot tell much about the situation. The message I have for those who occupy the former quarries is that given the tragic events that occur in the world today, we urge them to leave and they should know that living in a former quarry is not safe", said Facinet Camara.

Many citizens dream to build their own house in Kindia. For lack of a better option, they have turned towards former quarries.

For the time being, the authorities have not taken any decision to stop these illegal occupations.

From Kindia, Ibrahima Sory Traore

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