Kindia: several houses threatened by dynamiting in Sekhousoria, Madina Oula sub-prefecture

The damaging effects of dynamite explosions are visible on buildings in Sekhousoria, a district in the Madina Oula sub-prefecture, Kindia prefecture.

This locality, more than a hundred kilometers from the prefecture's capital, is home to one of the Simandou project's tunnels. This is a real concern for local residents, who are watching helplessly as this phenomenon threatens to topple their homes.

Rock blasting by mining companies has been affecting several Sekhousoria concessions for some time, with cracks appearing in places.

While several buildings are threatened with collapse in the near future, the inertia of the authorities with regard to the phenomenon is a source of concern, as testified by this 40-year-old local resident: "There are cracks in my building. They were caused by the explosion of dynamite in the Simandou project tunnels.  I'm worried and complain all the time to the people in charge.  They came to our house but did nothing", laments Amara Bangoura.

The same sense of disappointment is expressed by another citizen. According to him, this situation has been raised to a high level without any favorable follow-up.

"We have alerted the local authorities. The CRCC18 company building the tunnel has also been informed of the situation of our houses, but we have had no response so far. Our buildings are riddled with cracks. They're in danger of collapsing if nothing is done", said Mohamed Lamine Bangoura.

Despite repeated efforts to remedy the situation, the situation in this part of the country leaves much to be desired.

"This is the house of my older brother Ibrahima Kouyé Bangoura. This building is now in a bad state. This is due to the dynamite explosion. The damage is enormous", said Fodé Moussa Bangoura. Communities living near the Simandou project have long been complaining about the consequences of blasting. Until their cry for help is taken into account, they have no choice but to be patient.