Boké : who misappropriated the supplies destined to the needy people, offered by the mining company, CDM-Chine?

In Boké, the disappearance of provisions offered by the compnay, CDM-Chine, to destitutes in the locality is creating a controversy between the disabled people and the prefectural authorities.

According to the vice-president of the association of the disabled people in Boké (APHAB), half of the 5 tons of rice granted by CDM-Chine in the benfit of the needy people might have disappeared because he does not understand how the provisions were shared.

This is the news that is the current talk of the town in the Boké municipality. After the five tons of rice offered by CDM-Chine were delivered to the destitutes in Boké, many disabled people denounced the scheming surrounding the sharing of the 50 kilogram - size bags of rice.

However, Mr. Derbich Ayoub, vice-president of the above-mentionned association, well aware of the turn things are taking, is precising : "in fact, the Chinese (CDM-Chine) granted us five tons of rice. Because they could not hand the rice directly to us without involving local authorities, they gave the rice to the prefect for him to share the rice among the needy people. But, the prefect asked his general secretary of the decentralized communities to do the sharing. However, the general secretary is not well aware of the situation in Boké. Without consulting us, he proceded with a census of the needy, and then shared the rice. All the problem lies in the sharing, because he did not even share 60 bags, and the remaining bags disappeared. No one can track down the remaining bags. Today, my fellows take me accountable for this bad sharing. When i meet with some of them, they say: "you did a bad sharing". I try to tell them that we were not involved in the sharing. The sharing was done on an arbitrary basis...".

Being entirely of her vice-president's opinion, the president of the association of the disabled people in Boké (APHAB) seized the opportunity to invite her fellows to restraint : "the authorities informed us that we had been granted 100 bags of rice from the Chinese. However, they made it clear that the bags of rice were not offered only to the disabled people, but also to the widows and orphans. But, in the past, the Chinese used to offer rice to the disabled people only, and the sharing of the rice used to be done at the Boké musium, contrary to this year, as this year's sharing registered a huge turnout and took place in the presence of executives from CDM-Chine, the prefectural director of social support, women's promotion and children's wellfare who did the sharing among the needy people who are not only the disabled".

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