The Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) supports a financial assistance to supply power to Kamsar

The Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) offered over $ 5 million to the EDG (Guinea's electricity department) to support project aimed at supplying power to Kamsar. The project tagets connecting the hydroelectric dams of Kaleta and Souapiti to an electric power supply line that serves the Kamsar - Sangaredi corridor, going through Boké. This will supply power to local populations and businesses, including CBG itself.

The general director of EDG, Laye Sékou Camara, welcomed the support of CBG in terms of expertise, experience and know-how, and also its significant financial support for the acquisition of material to transport and distribute electricity.The support from CBG will allow EDG to complete the first phase of the project and safely supply power in accordance with appropriate engineering standards.

A $ 5 million (GNF 4 billion) worth financial support

"The support of CBG includes different parts, namely expertise, experience, know-how and field knowledge that employees of the company bring to the project. There is also the financial support which is over $ 5 million (GNF 4 billion) to buy transport and distribution material to supply power to households", said Mr. Camara.

The Guinean minister of energy welcomed the financial assistance and commitment of CBG in the favor of communites in Kamsar. He also invited other companies, mainly mining companies, to follow in the footsteps of CBG.

 "Before the arrival of this electricity project, CBG used to do everything in a partnership with ANAIM. We thank them a lot for this additonal gesture, higly significant. We hope that other companies, mainly mining companies will follow in the footsteps of CBG", said Minister Aly Seydouba Soumah.

The town of Kamsar is regularly faced with power outage which, sometimes, lead to popular uprisings. In 2022, demonstrations related to power outage paralized the activities of CBG and other mining companies in the area. So, this project should contribute to improve the living standards of the inhabitants of Kamsar and foster economic development in the region.

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