Kamsar/Boké: the minister of mining launches works aimed at building 167 houses for the employes of CBG

On the occasion of the celebration of CBG's 60th legal existence and 50th operational existence, the minister of mining launched, over the last week, a housing program aimed at providing housing to the employees of the company. It is an initiative of the board of directors of the company that brought together regional and prefectural authorities of Boké, the general management of CBG, and executives from the ANAIM (National Mining Infrastructure Development Agency). In addition, it should also be remembered that public utility infrastructures were made available to the communities directly impacted by the compnay's activities.

Launched a few days ago, and presided by the Guinean mining minister, the vast program of property ownership will enable more than two thousand (2000) workers and their families, i.e. some fifteen thousand (15000) people, to have access to quality, equipped and secure housing.

Aware of the efforts of all parties in the perfect execution of different projects initiated by the general management without disruption, the general manager of CBG did not miss the opportunity, in his speech, to express his gratitude towards the employees:" This program came to existence thanks to the mutual understanding between the general management of CBG and the union leaders. It is the right time for me to thank them for their sens of accountability because since seven (7) years that I have had the honor and privilege to lead this company, not a single day of work disruption was registered due to a strike", explained Souleymane TRAORE, general manager of CBG.

On the sites of Sangaredi, Kamsar, Dubreka and Sonfonia (in Conakry), works related to this vast housing program are in progress. This will ebnale employees willing to have ownership of luxury houses to do so according to their taste and preferred location.

"The objective is not to launch the program but to hand over the keys of our different projects within the set deadlines. The real aim of this project is to enable the most disadvantaged to own their own homes, while ensuring a guaranted retirement for CBG workers" said Alexandre TONY, CEO of GESCHE Afrique SA.

For the minister of mining and geology, this project will allow employees to better prepare for their retirement, and the minister seized the opportinuty to urge employees to work for the good functioning of the company, because, according to him, the company is nothing wthout the support of its employees.

It should be recalled that after the launching of the program aimed at building one hunddred and sixty seven (167) houses on a six-hectare- wide land area, the presentation of already finsihed houses to the minister of mining, the delegation finished its tour in Korera in the prefecture of Boké, where a youth center was made available to the local population".