Construction of alumina refineries : Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya assigns a new mission to his minister of mining and geolgy.

The Guinean Government keeps demanding to some mining companies to build alumina refineries. On Thursday, March 2, 2023, while chairing the ususal Council of ministers, the Guinean junta leader, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya assigned a new mission to his minister of mining and geology. The transition president instructed Minister Moussa Magassouba to review with concerned mining companies the refinery process and update him on this within the next coming two weeks.

The Guinean transition president mentioned by name the companies which, according to him, have not done anything yet as regards the process of building refineries. These are: Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC), Société Minière de Boké (SMB), société TBEA, Société des Bauxites de Guinée (SBG), State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC), société Kimbo and Compagnie de Développement des Mines (CDM Chine). For a year now, the head of State has been requesting mining companies to present a feasibility study related to the building of alumina refineries as set forth in their basic agreements, signed with the Guinean authorities.

In spite the pressure of the State, mining companies are still reluctant to move forward with the building of refineries.

So far, all mining companies operating in the country content themselves with the mining and exporting of raw bauxite. Since the change of political regime occurred on Sep. 5, 2021, the authorities in Conakry have been trying to put a pressure on mining companies that have committed themselves in their basic agreements to build alumina refineries. However, the pressure of the Guinean authorities have not shaken mining companies concerned with the building of alumina refineries.

Guinea has the largest bauxite reserves in the world, but so far, most of its production is destined for export. The only alunima refinery built in the country is obsolete.

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