Boké : UMS offers a 12 – kilometer – long road to the community of Katougouma

On March 16, 2023, United Mining Supply (UMS), specializing in bauxite transport, officially handed over the 12-kilometer-long community road it built for the communities of Katougouma. The raod makes accessible the area, and separates mining transport with people transport.

United Mining Supply, in addition to its will to work for the well-being of the population of Boké, takes road safety as one of its top priorities.

"This road project was funded par UMS through its community relations and construction departments. You see it for yourself, that there are a lot of trucks driving along the mining road. So, if local community members use the same road, this may result in accidents. Hence, the objective of the road is to limit risks of accident. By building this community road, we avoid tragic events", said Seydou Cissé, civil engineer at UMS.

Maintenance and repair works of the road, which will contribute to open up more the area, are highly commended by local community members.

"It is a will of the community that UMS has just realized. We have been asking for this for a long time and since a truck crushed a person who was on a motorcycle. This gesture will allow us to to travel to Boké without using the mining road. So this is a relief for us", said Mohamed Camara, a local resident.

Taking part to the maintenance and repair works, the head of district (of Katougouma) first welcomed the initiative before inviting UMS to guarantee the socio-economic development of Guinea, particularly Boké.

  "We are pleased with this assistance form UMS. We wanted this for a long time in this commnunity and now it is done. So we can only welcome that. We are now counting on UMS for the maintenance of this road. From my side, I will raise awarness among my community to take good care of this road as it cost money. We will take good care of it", said Cheikh Mohamed Sylla, president of the district council of Katougouma.

This other gesture of UMS in the benefit of the people of Boké is part of the respect for local content in accordnace with the Guinean Mining Code.

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